three chords….and then some….and the truth.

OK….here’s a YouTube progression….Chris Rosser….to David Wilcox….to Bruce Cockburn….to Michael Hedges…to….and this was a happy accident….just because my brother-in-law had never seen a harp guitar….to Muriel Anderson and a really pretty version of Don McLean’s “Vincent”.

It’s a beautiful, twisted web of great musicians if you’re willing to jump down the rabbit hole and listen to some stuff that you might have never had a chance to hear if you didn’t have access to the internet.

I get kind of bitchy about how commercial radio has fallen apart….tight playlists and a few artists with limited talent who seem to dominate that medium (radio)….never hearing anything really new because no one wants to take a chance and play something that doesn’t fit the current “mold”….but then I get on the internet and I can say, “Did you ever hear…(fill in the blank)….” and we’re off and running and getting a chance to see and hear some great artists like this.

It’s a renaissance….just in a different medium….and as much as we’re not willing to be manipulated by whatever the YouTube algorithm tries to subtly force feed us…..pretty self-directed and wonderful.

It’s not the “golden age of radio”….but it’s pretty darn cool in it’s own way.

What am I complaining about?

It’s a good time to be a music lover.

Anyway….check out Muriel Anderson on this harp guitar.

Pretty freaking cool.

Thanks, YouTube.

About Peter Rorvig

I'm a non-practicing artist, a mailman, a husband, a father...not listed in order of importance. I believe that things can always get better....and that things are usually better than we think.

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