it’s the soundtrack

I have a buddy at work who comes in early and gets the mail ready for us…to get ready to take out on the mail route.

He blares good rock and roll while he works….and if I get in early enough, I can listen and get energized before everybody else gets there and we have to turn it all down….or, even worse, off.

I know that it’s the soundtrack that gets the ball rolling.

Everything else is just going through the motions without a good soundtrack to keep things rocking.

Look at this video…it’s a short one this time….about Yvon Chouinard’s son, Fletcher, and his surfboard business, FCD Surfboards.

Look at the life in this video!!

I don’t think they really expect or encourage us to be creative at the USPS.

It’s not like it was at art school.

It’s not like that.

But…a rogue bit of rock and roll in the morning, surreptitiously blasting before we’re found out, really gets my day started off right.

It’s all about the soundtrack….and I control the soundtrack whenever I can.

Rock on….and … creative.

If you aren’t creating, you’re dying.

About Peter Rorvig

I'm a non-practicing artist, a mailman, a husband, a father...not listed in order of importance. I believe that things can always get better....and that things are usually better than we think.

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