sustaining a sense of wonder


My routine lately is to get up at 5, stumble out to the room outside of our bedroom, grab a can of cat food to put down on the porch floor as I make my way to the porta potty that we’ll soon be able to get rid of (when the septic system is finished), do my business in the little blue house, come back inside and wash my hands, then….go downstairs and walk the puppy, then feed the puppy, then walk the puppy again and put him out in the garden area, then….then…..(what do I do “then”?)….I come upstairs and sit down at the computer and if I’m not too frazzled from making my way in the early world, I write this blog.

Maybe I’ll make some coffee before I come back upstairs.

That’s it.

That’s how the morning starts.

That’s why some mornings I just post a YouTube video.

That’s easy to do when I’m still a little disoriented.

These mornings lately have been so light (with a full or almost full moon) that I can’t believe it.

It’s like daylight almost.

I thought about “sense of wonder” when I was out by myself in this morning light.

On a Sunday at 5 AM, it’s really quiet.

People don’t have much of an early agenda going on a Sunday.

Sunday is the day of rest, unless you have a cat and a dog to feed.

It’s so quiet.

I love that quiet.

Moonlight and quiet is a good thing.

So….anyway….this whole sense of wonder thought came up and I thought that if you lose the ability to take pleasure in the wonder that’s all around us, you’ve pretty much lost it all.

You have lost it all.

What a grim way to tick off the days….without the ability to feel the wonder…. and the gratitude that follows.

Maybe that’s one of the good things that you can give your children?

Maybe giving them something more than a memory of what a cranky Daddy they had is important?

No matter what our accomplishments….no matter how advanced we think we are intellectually….no matter how much we think that we understand about the world and our place in it….if we don’t recognize that we need to be amazed every minute by something incredible that’s been put before us…well….maybe we’re falling shy of something good.

It’s light outside these mornings, and I know that the darkness follows, and that’s OK, too.

I know about the light….and I know about the darkness.

I wait for the light….and know where to find it.

I celebrate the wonder when I remember.

What an amazing place to land for a while.

Isn’t this world something?!


“all the diamonds in the sea” Bruce Cockburn


keep coming back

This is from a performance a while back at Tigg’s Pond….a retreat center down the road from our house.

I deliver mail to them…so I’ve gotten to know them a little….nice folks.

“The Kid” is one of my favorite songs that David Wilcox performs….written by Buddy Mondlock.

I keep coming back to the good ones.

“….but the truth is, I could no more stop dreaming…..than I could….make them all….come….true”

Here’s another version of the same song… the man who wrote it…





We went to the Emerald Village Mine up around Spruce Pine for Isaac’s birthday.

I showed Sparrow a geode when we were there….showed her how the “jewels” were inside the rough rock.

There’s some real beauty in some of that roughness.

I don’t think I’d know a geode if I tripped over one.

I only would recognize it if the jewels were somehow revealed.

Today, Jenny went to the laundromat to do a bunch of laundry.

Our dryer is broken….and the washer broke, too.

It’s hard to do laundry at home when the tools we use are busted.

Sparrow was playing in one of the baskets under a folding table, and this woman who was working on her laundry nearby bent down in Sparrow’s face and said, “YOU ARE A NOISY LITTLE GIRL AND YOU HURT MY EARS!!!”

Of course, Sparrow started to cry and (I was so proud of her) Jenny had to give that woman an earful about how inappropriate it was to talk to someone else’s child like that.

It makes me angry just to think about that situation.

Of course, the woman cowed under the attentions of an angry mother.

It’s easier to confront a relatively helpless 2-year-old.

That’s what a bully does….they attack the ones they think are helpless.

Man….that woman is a real turd for talking to my little princess like that.

I was thinking about how it’s easy to love the lovable, though, on my way home….but that it’s really hard to love the people who interact with us in repulsive ways.

I don’t know how to do that.

I get my back up sometimes.

I want to do battle with the ones who hurt the ones I love.

I don’t know that this woman had any jewels inside her.

Maybe jewels can grow under the right circumstances?

All I saw was rough and common.

How do you love beyond the pain that sad people can bring to your life?

Again….I don’t know.

I do know that if you mess with my people, you’re going to get pounded if you don’t watch it.

How Christian is that?

Geodes are kind of cool.

I should work at remembering the potential in some of these mean people.

Maybe that lady was shiny on the inside?

Nah. She was a turd.


Shut your mouth, weirdo, or next time you’re going to get a pounding.

That’s not Christian….but it’s a promise.



someone else’s mortgage

The less you own, the less you owe.

Unless you have a whole bunch of stuff that you paid off already.

Here’s a video about a guy living in a Westphalia van….in Santa Barbara.

Santa Barbara is expensive.

If you can find a place to park your house, you have a place to live.



Did I use this video already?

It seems like something that I’d do….in spite of all my efforts to not repeat myself too much.

Wait for the comments about the “waterfront pass”.

For 90 dollars a year, this guy gets a pass that allows him to park in any waterfront area in Santa Barbara during the day.

At night, he parks at a friend’s house.

(Man…you could get a membership at the YMCA….workout, shower….maybe even sleep in the parking lot. How cool is that? If we got a really big camper van…or a school bus….we could all live a wacky and unconventional life until the cops came to chase us out. We could live free!!! Or….not.)

What a plan!

You can figure out a way to live cheap almost anywhere….and not be sleeping on a piece of cardboard in the woods.

I guess you do need a van, though.

Man, you always need stuff.

the world is so big….and we need water that flows

Man…..this world is a big and exciting place.

This is a video about the need for wild places and ….rivers.

We consume and because of that consumption, rivers are damned to supply the power to feed the things that we consume.

I guess that if you can place the dam in a location where there isn’t a huge population it makes sense, too.

Who wants to look at a dam all the time?

Why not stick it where there aren’t a lot of people?

The wild places are the only places where there aren’t a lot of people.

(I just realized that I typed “rivers are damned”. Is the correct way to spell it “dammed”? Must have been a slip of some kind….but maybe “damned” is closer to right….)

Now, of course, these folks are paddling around in giant chunks of plastic.

Plastic’s perfect for a boat….but plastic is kind of nasty stuff if you think too much about it.

We’re selective about our environmentalism.

What we need is OK, usually.

You can’t back up from some of these decisions… the ones to dam up a river.

Maybe we need to get our monkey wrenches out?

lukewarm water

monkey hot spring

It’s been hot here lately.

It’s July….so that’s to be expected….but, still….it’s hot.

Now, of course, if I went down to South Carolina or back to Georgia, I might know what “hot” really is.

It’s comfortable up here in North Carolina….but….it’s still hot.

Kind of hot.

Anyway, I drive mail around in a Jeep without a working air conditioner, so if the wind isn’t hitting me just right, it feels hot.

(I can’t get off this “hot” thing, can I?)

I carry some water with me, and by the time I finish the bulk of the route, my water is getting pretty warm.

The funny thing is that a swallow of lukewarm water tastes pretty good when I need it.

I’m thankful for my water when I get this hot.

I guess that it’s easy to get jaded, though, when your options aren’t limited.

No, that’s not really right.

It’s easy to get jaded when your options are limited….you just have to settle for a lower level of expectation….and get jaded about smaller details.

Awwwwww, shoot…..what am I saying?

Sometimes, even I can’t answer that question.

I guess that what I’m saying is that when the need is greatest, you can appreciate something that you might be disappointed in some other time.

Warm water is a good thing when you need a drink.

One of my new co-workers bought a new Jeep, and from all outward appearances, it is a beautiful machine.

It looks new….shiny.

She took it in to have a u-joint replaced and the bulk of the front end was so jacked up with rust that by the time she finished fixing stuff, it was going to cost 1500.00.

It’s still shiny where it’s obvious.

You never know about cars….appearances are deceiving.

I hope that I can always savor lukewarm water.

Thankfulness is something good to cultivate.