
The moon was behind the clouds this morning….so things weren’t quite as bright as they’d been the last couple of days when I went for my run.

I know the moon was back there….that’s what moons do…hide behind the clouds sometimes.

We drove up to Asheville yesterday to look at a car for my daughter.

Here’s the car we looked at:


It looks pretty good in the picture.

The owner was a nice guy who didn’t know anything about cars….but as I started asking him questions that he couldn’t really answer, I started to figure out things on my own.

You remember the movie “The Shining”?

Remember how that little kid kept saying “redrum” over and over?

We’ll call this car “redcar”.

It had issues.

After checking it out and then jumping it off to get it started, the owner asked if we wanted to test drive it….and mentioned that it didn’t have power steering and was hard to steer.

I don’t think that power steering was optional equipment on a 1992 Sentra.

I showed him where the empty power steering fluid reservoir was and told him it needed fluid….and that having some fluid might help the steering problem if everything else was still working.

In the ad, the car had been described as needing brake pads….but when we test drove it, the screeching was different than a worn pad would make.

I can’t describe it.

Maybe a bad hub? I don’t really know.

It was a really bad dry scraping/screeching sound.

So…it was a redcar that wouldn’t start or steer and that made horrible screeching sounds when it was rolling.

Oh…..and it didn’t have a driver’s side seatbelt.

That’s not a good car for your “little girl”.

I noticed that when we got home, the owner had dropped the price by a couple of hundred bucks.

Good luck.

That’s something to learn from this experience….or maybe I should say that it’s something to remember.


They really can….if you let them.

That redcar was one left behind….thank goodness.

But enough about that.

Check this song out by Amy Helm….Levon’s daughter.

Good stuff from a good musical family….

“rescue me” Amy Helm


as afraid of you as….


I surprised a skunk this morning when I was beginning my run.

I was just stepping onto the road from our gravel driveway when I heard a “tskkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk” sound off to my right….and when I turned that direction, I saw his rear end in the dim moonlight….fluffed out and ready for action.

I mean that he/she (and I’m sure that it was one or the other….the skunk had gender, just not one that I could decipher in the moonlight) was ready to spray me if necessary.

I was about 10 feet away.

Because I was startled that early in the morning, I yelled, “WHOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAA”….and when I turned around from my short panic run, the skunk was gone.

Remember when people would say to you….when/if you were talking about something scary…..”he’s as afraid of you as you are of him”.

What kind of crappy advice is that?

Things can be pretty afraid of you and still do some major damage before they scurry or slither off.

A bear could maul the heck out of you before he went crashing back through the woods….screaming in terror.

A rattler might bite you as some sort of weird reflex action…..and no matter how much he apologized and explained that you’d “just startled him”, you’re still BIT.

Things bite….and no amount of “I’M SORRY!! I DIDN’T MEAN IT!! I DON’T KNOW WHAT CAME OVER ME!! I GUESS I WAS JUST SCARED!!” will make the mauling go away.

So the thought that something is scared…..JUST LIKE ME….is small comfort when the chips are really down and I’m out in the world scaring things, too.

I don’t bite….but I’ve done some major screw ups when I was afraid.

Reflex action doesn’t always work so well for me.

Soooooooo…..I don’t know about that comforting phrase, “They’re as afraid of you as you are of them”.

Who amongst us doesn’t do some damage before we run away?

That skunk could’ve stunk me up this morning.

“funk you up” The Sequence





volcano standing

I’m running again.

I give myself credit for “running”….even though what I do is really kind of “shuffling”.

I move….and I don’t walk….so even if I’m doing it when no one else can see me….and it’s really kind of a shuffling sort of running….I AM RUNNING.

Maybe I shouldn’t have mentioned my lack of proper form?

It sounds a lot grander when I just say, “I’m running. I’m putting in the mileage. I excel at life.”

I should gild the lily a little….talk it up.

Why not? Who would know if I stretched the truth and never got timed or let anyone see me doing it? Why not?

The moon was receding this morning….but even though it still wasn’t the giant blue moon of a couple of nights ago, on a cloudless early morning it lit up the night sky.

That makes it easy to run when I can see everything.

Stumps are still sometimes “bears”…..but the second look is easier when there’s some light to see that it was just a stump after all.


There’s some guys around here named “Ponder”.

What a great last name.

I’ll bet that’s something they never gave a second thought to, though.

They never “pondered” their last name.

Most of them don’t strike me as “that kind of guy”.

There is a time in between light and night when it is so quiet and so beautiful that I can’t help but…..what? But what?


I guess that I’m enraptured by the peace of standing in the middle of a quiet road….staring up at the stars and the partial moon….pondering….knowing how small I am but how much a part of all the bigness I am, too.

All the bigness.

People come to the conclusion somehow that there is “no God”. It’s science….historical explosions and aggressive DNA….random and vague, sometimes, concrete and understood, other times….atmosphere and weather and all the other explainable phenomena….ordered and common and, probably most beautifully, to some….with US at the center of it all.

The biggest bang of all….when we need to describe a miracle.

Who could comprehend the scale of a miracle?

A “man centered faith” doesn’t hold any interest to me.

There’s more than just “us”.

But….”us” is what we know.

It’s something we can put our finger on….even if knowing about “us” doesn’t get “us” any closer to treating each other well.

What I know is that I feel the breeze…see the stars….hear the birds waking up….and I can’t help but believe that something good designed this.

Maybe it’s just a “nice morning”….that’s enough, too.

There’s a lot to ponder.

All the time….a lot to ponder.

How do I show the thankfulness this all deserves?

“his eye is on the sparrow” John Medeski

rattlers in the playground


I had a weird dream last night.

Dreams are funny, though….I guess.

I think that people talk about the importance of having big dreams….but they really don’t want to hear anyone else’s dreams….not really, anyway.

Even the weird ones.

Maybe even especially the weird ones.

My dream last night was about a playground.

Nate went bounding out of the entrance to the playground….but when I looked out at all the grass and play equipment, I saw that it was covered with giant timber rattlers…big snakes, writhing all over the ground.

The kids seemed oblivious…but I ran out to get Nate and the snakes were all striking at me as I scooped him up in the animated minefield and ran to safety.

I don’t know what that dream means.

Maybe it means that Pharaoh is going to make me a king and let me divvy out all the stored corn?

I really don’t know.

Maybe that can be the phrase for the day…..”I really don’t know”.

Nah….that’s a loser’s limp kind of statement.

When you dig deep enough, the truth is that I really do “know”.

I know what to do….I’m just scared or nervous about doing it.

Compromise is easier.

Anyway, what did that Jesse Winchester song say? “Let the rough side drag….let the smooth side show….”

Maybe that’s the way to roll?

Here’s an old Livingston Taylor song that I used to listen to a lot…..

“I built lovers into wives….and dreams into fine homes…”

“Hush A Bye” Livingston Taylor

fuel rail or just about a million other things.

fuel rail

Under the hood, it smells like gas.

Under some parts under the hood, this part may be leaking.

That’s a hard “easy fix”.

I better get it fixed soon….real soon.

Of course, there are other things that it could be….that’s the beauty of cars or anything in life, there’s other options as to what “could be wrong”.

Right or wrong, there’s always multiple possibilities.

It’s a frog on a log in the middle of the pond in a…..kind of situation.

But….traceable if you do the legwork and take stuff apart.

I’ll have to figure out how to get it in to the mechanic soon.

And….then….again…it could be nothing.

That’s important to raise that possibility….before I get everybody excited about something like that.

It could always be nothing….or not.

Smelling gas isn’t a good thing, though.

That’s the beauty of Google….I have about 5 different possibilities for leaking gas smell after doing some research….and the Grand Caravans are notorious for this problem.

Better get it fixed.

Most Muy Macho Rock Star Singer of All! MACHO! MACHO! MACHO! MUY MACHO!!

Jenny and I had our first “date night” in a year or so yesterday….and I didn’t get up early enough to write my blog this morning….so here it is…10 o’clock at night and I’m just getting warmed up.

This dude, Paul Rodgers, is one of the great rock vocalists of all time.

He does what I imagine is the true purpose of rock and roll…. really macho posturing with the vocal power to back it up.

That’s hype, though…he’s just really good.

I suppose that there are a lot of good vocalists out there.

George Michael is a good vocalist.

He doesn’t have the same kind of power this guy has, though.

I wouldn’t listen enthusiastically to a George Michael song…..or turn it up if I heard it on the radio like I do any of this old Free or Bad Company stuff.

This is one of the great rock songs, too.

Here’s a later performance of the same song by the same vocalist….with some help from Brian May of Queen.

The years haven’t slowed him down much.

That’s good to hear.



Oh, my gosh!! Click on this picture!! It gets even huger!! HUGE!!

I wrote about the moon yesterday….and my friend John told me that today’s moon was going to be one of the rare “blue moons”.

I told Jenny what John said….and asked her what a “blue moon” was….and she told me it was a second full moon in the same month.

“You remember? Like the song?”

Then she did her best high voiced imitation of the monologue that Nanci Griffith gives in the live recording.

Then I remembered.

Here’s the song:

“once in a very blue moon” Nanci Griffith

The moon was not quite this dramatic…..dramatic like the picture….this morning…but…it was huge….resting on a fluffy dark cloud like a Fabergé egg on a bed of black cotton.

That’s why I shuffle around in the dark….it’s so quiet….still….and I get to see things like a big moon that’s not supposed to happen again until 2018.

The thing about realizing that is that, until John told me what the big moon was and that it was special, I would have thought, “Hmmmmm…..what a big moon. That’s really pretty…” and left it at that.

Knowing that it’s a blue moon makes it even “cooler” somehow.

Here’s something cool about this day, too, that my friend Beth H. posted on Facebook: today is the 240th anniversary of the Post Office.

It feels like I’ve been there that long.

That’s the beauty of the Post Office….if you work there, it kind of extends your life….sort of.

It makes a lot of moments feel like an eternity.

At this rate, I should live forever.

Nah…I’m kidding. Driving the mail….listening to reggae… probably the coolest job a person could have.

Cool as a blue moon.

afraid of the moon


I run early in the morning….when it’s still dark….so the only thing that I have to be nervous about are the cars that occasionally pass me and blind me with their headlights.

That….and the snakes I can’t see and might step on….or the rabid bears….or some maniac homeless guy who’s hiding in the woods and who waits to swoop out of the trees and steal my identity.

That’s about all that I have to be nervous about….that I can think of.

It’s mostly the irritation of my night vision being interrupted by the blazing headlights, though.

This morning was brighter than usual….and as I made my way towards the little church on our road that’s about a quarter of the way into my “journey”, I kept getting the feeling that a car was getting ready to roll up on me.

No car ever came.

Eventually, I looked behind me and realized that what I thought were distant headlights was really only the big full moon over my shoulder.

It was that bright.

That was kind of funny….what was an irritation or something to anticipate in a negative way…an interruption to my peace and quiet….the car that was sure to pass me and make me nervous about….whatever? I don’t really know….(I’m just hyping it up for the sake of making the blog more EXCITING)….what was a negative thing…suddenly became something that was so beautiful and AWESOME (now there’s an overused word… “THAT SANDWICH WAS AWESOME!!”)….that I almost wanted to stop fulfilling some weak OCD disorder and walk for a while instead of doing what I was calling “running”.

My mind is a funny (to me) thing.

I’m afraid of the things that, if I just turned around or looked at it from the right angle, wouldn’t be scary.

I’m good at scaring myself.

Now, I’m not some kind of scaredy cat.

I’m not afraid of much.

But….I structure my life in a way that I don’t really come into contact with situations that might make me afraid.

I guess that we’re all like that.


I guess that what I’m thinking is that I avoid things that, like turning around to see something beautiful instead of keeping the “blinders” on and wondering when the car was going to hit me, might make my life better if I wasn’t nervous about taking the next step towards something different (i.e. “potentially scary”) and probably better.

It was the MOON this morning….and if I hadn’t gotten up a little bit earlier….or turned around to see what was following me….I wouldn’t have seen it the way I got to see it earlier today.

I’d miss it.

How much of what I’m ever nervous about actually “is”?

Aw, what the heck? A three-mile run gives you a lot of time to think about wacky stuff.

Whether the moon’s a sliver or full of light…..there’s always time for wacky thoughts on an early morning run

Who’s afraid of a wacky thought?


the hills get shorter

bat flyingA bat dive-bombed my head twice this morning.

I think it was the same bat….in the darkness, it looked like the same bat.

He came down fast and did a fly-by…..and then I didn’t see him again after the second time.

It’s pretty dark in the morning when I run.

I’m sure that it must have been kind of confusing for him….seeing/hearing/sonoring me out there, plodding along.

I think that he must have been thinking something like, “What is that? It’s too fast for walking….too slow for anything else. What is that?!”

I don’t really know what a bat thinks.

I don’t know what my kids are thinking, most of the time.

I ran out and back this morning….kind of a change after only walking the hills on the way back for a week.

I noticed that the hills seem to get shorter every day.

Maybe they don’t get shorter…..maybe I’m just getting more used to them.

That’s the way it goes….something is pretty uncomfortable…like running up a hill….and then it either gets easier as you live with it for a while….or you just get used to being uncomfortable.

Maybe it’s all just callous building up?

I don’t really know.

It is kind of interesting how hard things make us stronger.

We could have been designed with a finite limit to the amount of “wear and tear” we could take.

We might go to the doctor early on and he’d tell us, “What were you doing? Outside playing again?! Well….it looks like you’re pretty close to being used up….worn away….you’re in the red zone. You better take it pretty easy the rest of your life….you won’t get a chance to make it right….you better WATCH OUT. No stress….no play….no hard work or conflict or it’s going to be all over for you. You should have planned ahead a little better. I’m sorry to have to tell you that.”

Those are harsh words for a five-year old to have to hear.

But instead, the conflict makes us stronger….if it doesn’t break us in two.


In weight training, what makes you stronger is the tearing and healing, tearing and healing…over and over.

You work a muscle, you tear the muscle a little, the muscle heals (hopefully)….and you get stronger.

That’s a crazy process….you have to tear it all down to build it back stronger.

Now….”too much” isn’t a good thing.

You can overtrain and spoil the whole process.

There has to be some balance….rest and work, repeat, rest and work, repeat…..etc.

But….we need something to push against to make us stronger.

That’s an amazing thing….that we have a store of resiliency that builds on itself….whether we’re aware of it or not.

We’re stronger than we think.

These hills that I’m running are getting shorter.

The reason they’re getting shorter is because I’m running them again.

I guess that I should learn to be thankful for the tearing…..AND the healing.

It’s a two-part process….thank goodness for both of them.

one tree falling


I didn’t run very far this morning.

I guess that I should clarify that.

This morning I ran less far.

My knee was bothering me a little….not hurting, just twinge-ing a little….feeling like it might hurt more later if I pushed it.

That’s the attitude of a champion.

“Run through the pain” and all…..right?

When I got back….when I was doing my cool down from my really easy run….I heard a big tree drop somewhere back in the deep and dark woods across the road from our house.

The “deep and dark” that is far outside of the light from my neighbor’s porch.

I imagine that I was the only one who heard it fall.

That’s probably not true…..but my perception is all I ever really have going for me.

My perception is all I really own.

Anyway, like that koan says, “if a tree falls ….alone in the forest…does it make a sound?”

This one made a sound.

I was there to hear it.

But it got me thinking……it sho ’nuff got me to thinking.

What if a tree falls….surrounded by a multitude of good and able ears….and no one listens?

Did it make a sound?

Is “all it does” only dependent on how much we notice that it did?

What sound does a tree make that we don’t listen to?

More riddles.

That’s the nice thing about running….once you have your shoes on, it’s really just a matter of putting one foot in front of the other.

There’s nothing too tricky about any of that.

Running isn’t a riddle.

Here’s another riddle: why do things about my past bob up in my memory like a capped soda bottle in a rushing river?

I was thinking about this mall they built a couple of miles from my house when I was younger.

They put a skating rink in the center of it….and the stores were all on the outer edge of the rink.

It seems like they put a high plexiglass wall around the rink a year or so in….maybe hockey practice got out of hand….flying pucks and all….I don’t know.

It was cold in that mall.

Anyway….that was the first place I heard this song.

“send in the clowns” Judy Collins


Adolescence….cold fog in a shopping mall….and this song.

How much more atmospheric can you get?

That ice skating rink is long gone….I think that mall is, too.

All these bobbing memories….and falling trees.
