they make them build the furniture

I heard on the news this morning that IKEA was in trouble for using forced labor (ie East German prisoners) in some of its factories in the 1980’s…presumably to keep prices down.

I’m no East German prisoner…but my wife made me put together a whole kitchen worth of IKEA cabinets, storage units, shelving, trivets, and a whole bunch of flingenshlavets (if you know IKEA you may not recognize the last one…but you know what I’m talking about).  Presumably she used my labor as a cost cutting measure.

IKEA says it is regretful over its use of these prisoners to save money.  I don’t believe my wife has any regrets over using my labor…other than the infrequent assembly errors I was guilty of.

I’m really just kidding…it wasn’t forced labor…and my wife was probably better at putting the stuff together than I was. IKEA still hasn’t released a statement about any regret pertaining to our kitchen.

Posted in family permalink

About Peter Rorvig

I'm a non-practicing artist, a mailman, a husband, a father...not listed in order of importance. I believe that things can always get better....and that things are usually better than we think.

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